这座洛杉矶最著名的游乐园竟能堪比迪士尼!【Knott's Berry Farm-洛杉矶-美国】

华人 3659 2019-10-14 19:30:09

  大家应该都知道加州的迪士尼和好莱坞影城,今天我给大家介绍的这个地方是陪伴我成长的乐园,它叫Knott' s berry farm,史努比(Snoopy)是这里的主角哦。

Everyone in California knows about Disneyland and Universal studios. The place I'm introducing is a park I grew up with. It's Knott's Berry Farm, and Snoopy is the main character here.

Knott' s Berry Farm从最初的草莓园逐渐演变成一个吃纯正的西部鸡肉餐的餐厅,游客经常要排队等候几个小时,只为能吃到它。因为生意太好,排队人太多,餐厅主人诺氏夫人就建造了Ghost Town 供客人休息时可以玩耍。大家都知道洛杉矶是“淘金者”的胜地,当金子被开采完了淘金者就会离去, 变成一座空城,这就是Ghost Town的来历。所以诺氏沃特用了这个概念,将西部拓荒时期及淘金热潮的风貌真实呈现出来,让排队的客人有地方可以逛。就像现在的海底捞,你排队的时候可以修指甲,搽鞋子等……而现在这个乐园已摇身变为了加州最大的游乐场之一,你就可以去玩各种游乐设施啦!

Knott's Berry Farm used to be a berry farm then became a resturant that served fried chicken dishes, and visitors often waited in line for hours to get their hands on it. Because of the good business, the restaurant's owner, Mr. Knotts, built a western Ghost Town for guests to relax and play while they were waiting for a seat. Everyone knows that California was famous for its gold discoveries. When the gold ran out, there was no reson to stay in the town and they were abandoned. There's no life there, so this place was called a 'Ghost Town'. Knott's used this concept to entertain people waiting for the resturant. Like haidilao now, you can get a manicure, get your shoes shined while you wait in line...Now the park has been transformed into one of the biggest amusement parks in California. you can go on all kinds of rides!



Why was this place so special to me? When I was a child, and we didn't have any money, the park was free for everyone, so we liked to visit here. At that time, we could play archery for 25 cent. When I was 7 or 8 years old, l got hired to sing at the park and l did for a year. lt was one of my first singing jobs!



You can also challenge the HangTime roller coaster, which is 150 feet high and is a great way to relieve stress. Knott's is best known for boysenberry jam, so make sure you buy a few bottles when you visit.




1,千万不要在园区大门口买票!园区大门口84美元一位, 官方网站53美元一位(不过如果你4点以后进入,园区门口也只要54美元一位),总之网站上买票最划算, 这里就是链接:https://www.knotts.com/tickets-passes/knotts-daily-tickets

2,如果可以提前一天买票, 建议大家去expedia上买只要48.8美元一位, 再便宜5元。

4,快速通行卡(Fast Lane) 55美元;门票+快速通行票 82美元 


1,  停车費: 网上价格和门口是一样的普通车20美元。

2,  可搭乘公交29路在Beach Blvd and Crescent站下车或乘坐城际铁路(Metrolink Train)在Buena Park 站下车,步行15分钟即是 


1,园区的内的饮料比较贵, 所以建议可以自带水。


2,园区内的披萨还是很好吃的, 8美元一块。

As a travel expert, I have some tips for you:


1. Don't buy tickets at the park gate! The park gate price is $84,  go to the official website instead and pay only $53 (but if you enter after 4 o 'clock, it only costs $54). In general, it's most cost-effective to buy tickets online. Here is the Website: https://www.knotts.com/tickets-passes/knotts-daily-tickets

2. If you can buy a ticket one day in advance, I suggest you buy it on expedia for only $48.08 dollars per person, which is 5 yuan cheaper.

4. $55 for a Fast Lane; Admission and express pass is $82.


1. Parking fee: It is the same price online or offline: $20.

2. One way is you can take bus no. 29 and get off at the Beach Blvd and Crescent Station;

The other way is that you can take Metrolink Train and get off at Buena Park station and walk for 15 minutes.


1. Drinks in the park are more expensive. So bring your own water.

Coke is available for $15 at the park;

If you live locally, you can drink all year round for $36.

2. The pizza in the park is delicious, and the price is 8 dollars a piece.

上一篇:“华盛顿纪念碑”上,为何会有中文碑刻? | 短史记


